Sophrology in english

I practice Sophrology in English, for companies or individuals, in my relaxation space, at your office or at home (Monaco) . Do not hesitate to contact me for more information.

Sophrologist meaning

Caycedo sophrology

Caycedian sophrology is a form of therapy that aims to improve the quality of life by working on the mind, body and spirit. It focuses on using relaxation and visualization techniques to help people reach a state of inner calm and find solutions to their problems. The techniques used include breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, visualization exercises and autosuggestion exercises. These techniques are designed to help people focus on their strengths, manage their emotions and improve their well-being. Caycedian sophrology can be used to treat problems such as stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia and chronic pain.

Sophrology training

I offer Sophrology trainings for companies. These trainings are designed to meet the specific needs of companies and are intended for all employees, regardless of their age or position. The topics covered are varied: stress management, personal development, concentration and meditation, relaxation, etc. and are tailor-made for your company. The courses are adapted to each individual and aim to improve the quality of life and well-being of employees.
I offer both group and individuals sessions according to your needs and objectives.

Sophrology meaning

A natural, tailor-made, mind-body therapy.

Founded in 1960 by the Colombian neuropsychiatrist Alfonso Caycedo, Sophrology is based on multiple disciplines: psychiatry, psychology, hypnosis, philosophy, oriental practices (yoga, Zen, Buddhism) and modern neuroscience.
It is possible to have recourse to Sophrology in a goal of personal development (knowledge of oneself, optimization of its potential), but also in a therapeutic step.
Sophrology does not replace a medical follow-up / drug treatment, it comes here to act in complement.

The differences with hypnosis :

The Sophrologist acts on the conscious mind and consciousness while hypnosis focuses on the unconscious. The patient is more autonomous and active during the sessions.
The Sophrologist will help the patient to become aware of his body, his mind and his feelings about a situation rather than treating the problem at the source.

Sophrology is for patients of all ages.
I am specialized in the follow-up of adults and the accompaniment of people in long term illness

Individual session of sophrology


Duration of the session 1h


On quotation

Individual Pack of 3 sessions


Duration of the session 1h

Payment to be made at the first session.

On quotation

In-company sophrology session

Number of participants and sessions to be determined

Session length: to be determined

On quotation

Sophrology group session


Duration of the session: 1 hour

10 people maximum

On quotation

sophrology meaning



My name is Manon, I am 31 years old.
I have not always practiced as a Sophrologist, I have lived what I call « my previous life ».
I followed a business school, until I graduated from a Master 2 and started my career in luxury hotels industry.
In July 2016, I was there during the terrible event that happened in Nice. This had a very strong impact on my life.
I was trying to lead it the best way, but it had become a suffering journey.
It was punctuated by a state of post-traumatic stress, long hours of work, significant weight loss, with no time for my physical and mental well-being.
There was no room for me in my own life.
It didn’t take long for me to fall into depression, in 2017.
Fortunately i met Sophrology and this therapy brought me back to life. Then I decided to train, got a degree as a Sophrologist and I am delighted to practice since 2020 in my personal space, in health clinics and at your home (Monaco residents). I already had the opportunity to successfully make sessions to English speakers.
Please contact me if you are interested in a session. 

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